The Rolling Stones Sticker

The Rolling Stones Sticker
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This item was part of Bill Graham's personal collection and shows some damage from the May 7, 1985 firebombing of his San Francisco office. The attack stemmed from Graham's open and honest criticism of President Reagan's visit to Bitburg Cemetery published in the San Francisco Chronicle. You are purchasing a piece of history "as is." Items may contain imperfections such as burn marks.
The 1981 Stones Tour was the largest grossing tour of the year and for several to come with three million concert goers attending the shows which took in $50 million.
This image mimics the stage design of Japanese designer Kazuhide Yamazari. "Most concerts that took place outdoors at the time were played during the day... So we had the bright, bright primary colors... and we had these enormous images of a guitar, a car and a record—an Americana idea—which worked very well for afternoon shows." Mick Jagger