6th Annual Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Inductions

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  1. 1Full Concert3:35:14
Liner Notes

Roger McGuinn- vocals, guitar; David Crosby - vocals, guitar; Chris Hillman - vocals, bass; Gene Clark - vocals, tambourine; Michael Clarke - drums; Laverne Baker- vocals; Jackson Browne- vocals; Don Henley - vocals; John Lee Hooker - vocals, guitar; Bonnie Raitt - vocals, guitar; John Fogerty- vocals, guitar, harmonica; Chaka Kahn - vocals; Patty Smythe - vocals; Bruce Springsteen - vocals, guitar; Patty Smyth - vocals; Tracy Chapman - vocals; Bobby Brown - vocals; House Band: Paul Shaffer: keyboards; Sid McGinness - guitar; Will Lee - bass; David Sanborn - saxophone; Bruce Kapler - saxophone; Alan Chevnovitz - trumpet; Anton Fig - drums

1 00:00 - 01:37 Ahmet Ertegun - Welcome
2 01:37 - 03:41 Bob Krasnow - speech, Paul Shaffer Intro
3 03:41- 08:52 Paul Shaffer Band: Inductee Medley
4 08:52-16:26 Dr. Seymour Stein: speech about Ralph Bass
5 16:26 - 19:00 video audio: Ralph Bass
6 19:00 - 26:57 Ralph Bass acceptance speech
7 26:57 - 29:23 video audio:Dave Bartholemew
8 29:23 - 31:07 Cyril & Ivan Neville induct Dave Bartholemew
9 31:07 -35:13 Dave Bartholemew acceptance speech
10 35:13 - 35:57 Jann Wenner introduces Jon Landau
11 35:57 - 40:49 Jon Landau: speech about Howlin' Wolf
12 40:49 -43:24 video audio: Howlin' Wolf
13 43:24 - 46:37 Robert Cray: inducting Howlin Wolf
14 46:37 -48:03 Lilly & Barbara Burnett: acceptance speech
15 48:03-49:45 Jann Wenner: speech about Jimmy Reed
16 49:45 -52:01 video audio: Jimmy Reed
17 52:01 - 55:21 ZZ Top : Inducting Jimmy Reed
18 55:21 - 58:49 Mary, Jimmy,jr, Roslyn & Rose Reed: acceptance speeches
19 58:49 - 1:01:29 Ahmet Ertegun: speech about Ike & Tina Turner
20 1:01:29 - 1:05:07 video audio: Ike & Tina Turner
21 1:05:07 - 1:12:01 Phil Spector: Inducting Ike & Tina Turner
22 1:12:01 - 1:13:33 Jann Wenner: speech about The Impressions
23 1:13:33 - 1:16:33 video audio: The Impressions
24 1:16:33 - 1:18:49 Tracy Chapman Inducts The Impressions
25 1:18:49 - 1:21:14 The Impressions: acceptance speeches
26 1:21:14 - 1:27:55 Curtis Mayfield (via satellite to his home) acceptance speech
27 1:27:55 - 1:28:15 Jann Wenner: speech about John Lee Hooker
28 1:28:15 - 1:30:09 video audio: John Lee Hooker
29 1:30:09 - 1:37:48 Bonnie Raiit: Inducting John Lee Hooker
30 1:37:48 - 1:40:04 John Lee Hooker : acceptance speech
31 1:40:04 - 1:41:57 Ahmet Ertegun: speech about Laverne Baker
32 1:41:57 - 1:44:38 video audio: Laverne Baker
33 1:44:38 - 1:47:23 Chaka Kahn: inducting Laverne Baker
34 1:47:23 - 1:52:18 Laverne Baker: acceptance speech
35 1:52:18 - 1:53:50 Ahmet Ertegun: speech about Nesuhi Ertegun
36 1:53:50 - 1:57:55 video audio:Nesuhi Ertegun
37 1:57:55 - 2:15:14 Quincy Jones: inducting Nesuhi Ertegun
38 2:15:14- 2:17:18 Selma & Ertegun Children: acceptance speeches
39 2:17:18 - 2:18:49 Ahmet Ertegun: speech about Wilson Pickett
40 2:18:49 - 2:21:24 video audio: Wilson Pickett
41 2:21:24 - 2:24:41 Bobby Brown: inducting Wilson Pickett
42 2:24:41 - 2:23:38 Ahmet Ertegun: accepting for Wilson Pickett
43 2:23:38 - 2:26:17 Jann Wenner: announcement & speech about The Byrds
44 2:26:17 - 2:37:54 Don Henley: inducting The Byrds
45 2:37:54 -2:41:03 The Byrds: acceptance speeches (in order: Roger McGuinn, David Crosby, Chris Hillman, Gene Clark, Michael Clarke)
46 2:41:03 - 2:42:39 Paul Shaffer & Band: Mr.Tambourine Man (instrumental)
47 2:42:39 - 2:45:17 Paul Shaffer: stage banter & ambience prepararing for jams
48 2:45:17 - 2:49:12 The Byrds - Turn Turn Turn
49 2:49:12 - 2:56:35 The Byrds w/Jackson Browne & Don Henley - Mr. Tambourine Man
50 2:56:35- 3:02:48 John Lee Hooker & Bonnie Raitt: In The Mood
51 3:02:48 - 3:08:24 John Lee Hooker & Bonnie Raitt:Baby Lee
52 3:08:24 - 3:14:41 John Fogerty & Chaka Kahn: Proud Mary
53 3:14:41 - 3:18:55 Patti Smythe, Laverne Baker, Bonnie Raitt: Tweedle Dee
54 3:18:55 - 3:26:06 Jackson Browne, Don Henley, Bruce Springsteen, Chaka Kahn: People Get Ready
55 3:26:06 - 3:29:39 Everyone: Mustang Sally
56 3:29:39 - 3:35:24 Everyone: In The Midnight Hour