Boy Friend, the new musical project from former Sleepover members Christa Palazzolo and Sarah Brown, is a warm bath or a piece of pie that's come directly from the oven to the table. It's one of those things that you can just slide or slice right into and you're filled with hot satisfaction. You close your eyes, in both instances, letting the hot water envelope your bare skin and letting your mouth and taste buds cover all the quadrants, exploding as many times as possible before the bites even get to the belly.
The music sounds like it should be coming into these bedrooms through cracked windows, winding its way through the falling nights, from a few blocks off. Some things are harder to hear than others and it gives it a feel of the breezes working on the sound, pushing it and cajoling it this way and that, creating misdirection and remixing it in a way that unique to the date, time and place. These cooing voices, cooling on the windowsill, streaming in like loosened cobwebs in the night, are spectral and expansive, playing as nothing certain, but the streaming, straying thoughts of the time being. They are the feathers inside the pillows that are being swung and mashed, to be slept on later in the night, when the wine coolers and caffeine have worn off.