David Bowie

  • Date Jul 27, 1987
  • Total Length 37:13
Sample this concert
  1. 1Interview31:39
  2. 2Interview Part 205:34
Liner Notes

Recorded in 1987 for the King Biscuit broadcast from David Bowie's Glass Spider Tour, this interview contains two different recordings. The first part is a formal sit-down with Bowie aimed at promoting the tour. He talks in depth about the tour's production, as well as the meanings behind the theatrics. It is not only a testament to Bowie's hard work and dedication to putting on a great show, but also to his artistic merit, as his explanations regarding the meanings behind different aspects of the show prove that every detail was the result of a greater vision.

The second part of the interview seems to be from a chance encounter, where David was caught at a bar after a show. It is a more relaxed chat, with highlights including talk about his work on a Monty Python movie and joking about driving his glass spider.

Part 1
00:00 - Preparing for interviews
00:47 - Nervousness and depression in anticipation of the tour
02:55 - Theatrics for the tour
03:40 - Not getting rusty between tours / staying healthy
05:18 - A self-indulgent tour
05:50 - Similarities between past tours and the Glass Spider Tour
07:37 - Elements of past tours in the Glass Spider Tour
08:13 - Writing songs based on Brian Eno's habit of writing down dreams
09:53 - The choreography for the tour (by Toni Basil)
12:05 - The video for the tour / photographing dance
14:40 - The meanings behind the show
17:41 - Fascination with contradictions
18:36 - Different audiences: British, German, Italian, American
20:57 - Becoming comfortable with the show
21:57 - Comfort on stage vs. in studio
23:30 - The physical exertion of the show (for band and audience)
25:31 - The potential for growth within the shows
26:48 - Being daring
27:12 - Favorite pieces of the show
29:11 - Potential for being the final tour
30:23 - Thoughts on touring the USA

Part 2
00:00 - Sneaking out the back doors during tours
00:46 - The hardest part of meeting the press
01:25 - What's left to do
02:10 - The acting career / working on Yellowbeard
04:17 - Performing a stadium-sized show
05:08 - Driving a glass spider