There's so much pressure to make everything count.
We're to not waste our precious time.
We're to dance like no one's looking and all that bull.
We're supposed to get to that decrepit, old age, there on our sad deathbed with no regrets as bedfellows.
We're to be honorable and good.
We are to chase down rubies and gold.
We're to be amazed by all of the beauty that surrounds us, never taking it for granted.
We're supposed to let our bygones be bygones and we're to forgive those who trespass against us.
We are to travel and see it all. We are to milk the clock and to wring out the calendar.
We are to wake every morning, clapping our hands together, ready to seize the day.
We are to awake with new eyes that are going to see things like a child might, with all the wonder that we never really thought was still in us.
Harry and Alfie Hudson-Taylor, of the Dublin duo Hudson Taylor write and sing about all of these yearnings. They fling themselves at the wild, but necessary neediness of the human spirit. They find nothing more important to sing about than the breathless love that always feels so rare and worth giving everything else up for. They sing, "Your love will be the death of me/I'm running for my life," and all signs point to death as the only option for getting away from any of it.