Sissy & The Blisters

Sample this concert
  1. 1Welcome to Daytrotter00:06
  2. 2Do It Alone04:45
  3. 3Killing Time02:56
  4. 4Violent Beggar03:21
  5. 5First Try03:18
Sissy & The Blisters Apr 17, 2013
Liner Notes

We should have a few bottles of tequila dented by the time this Sissy and the Blisters session is finished. You should be a few bottles in too. It would serve you well to just put yourself into the night, to commit to the fuck-all nature of the evening

The way that these boys from London tell it, there's no time for messing about. There's no crying over spilt milk or hurt feelings. Everything's mostly a lark anyway, or it should be taken as such. There should be a determination to just throw it in drive and do doughnuts all over the parking lot, to burn the tires off of the car and then maybe just light it on fire and leave it there for someone else to deal with.

Lead singer James Geard sings about killing time, about watching the flames rage and just battling through the boredom. It's cutting through all of the soggy bullshit and going through the streets with the idea that things could get buck wild, that there's some kind of violence lurking in the night lights.