Taj Mahal, Elvin Bishop, Boz Scaggs & Friends

Sample this concert
  1. 1We Gonna Rock06:40
  2. 2Long And Tall12:24
Liner Notes

Elvin Bishop - guitar, vocals; Boz Scaggs - guitar, vocals; Stephen Miller - piano, organ, vocals; David Brown - bass; Michael Shrieve - drums; Taj Mahal- vocals, harmonica; Jo Baker - vocals

As many may already know, on the final night (July 4th) of the closing week festivities at Fillmore West a lengthy jam session occurred, featuring many great musicians and singers. What few remember is that a similar event occurred earlier in the week (on the first night, June 30); it was this jam session, in fact, that provided the two tracks that made it onto the Fillmore: The Last Days live release.

The core band includes Elvin Bishop on lead guitar, Stephen Miller (from Elvin's band) on organ, David Brown (from Boz Scaggs' band) on bass and Michael Shrieve (from Santana) on drums. The session followed a lengthy Boz Scaggs set (also here at Wolfgang's), in the wee hours of the morning.

This was one of the few sets not broadcast locally, and until these preproduction reels were recently discovered in the Bill Graham Archive, nobody was aware that most of this jam session existed on tape.

This part of the session features Taj Mahal. He delivers "We Gonna Rock" and "Long And Tall." These are the only two songs from this jam session that made it onto the album release; they are a great example of how Taj could energize audience and band members alike with a riveting performance.