Taj Mahal

Sample this concert
  1. 1Easy Rider03:47
  2. 2Diving Duck Blues03:06
  3. 3She Caught The Katy & Left Me A Mule To Ride04:14
  4. 4Six Days On The Road03:26
  5. 5Everybody Got To Change Sometime03:26
  6. 6Going Up To The Country & Paint My Mailbox Blue03:54
  7. 7Keep Your Hands Off Her03:07
  8. 8Farther On Down The Road (You Will Accompany Me) (Incomplete)02:21
  9. 9You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond06:04
  10. 10You Don't Miss Your Water ('Till Your Well Runs Dry)07:57
  11. 11Big Fat09:09
  12. 12Leaving Trunk07:45
  13. 13Corinna00:18