The Carla Bley Band

Sample this concert
  1. 144015:32
  2. 2Jesus Maria & Other Spanish Strains16:46
  3. 3Jesus Maria & Other Spanish Strains (continued)03:35
  4. 4stage banter/ song intro01:16
  5. 5Wrong Key Donkey09:55
  6. 6Wrong Key Donkey (continued)02:50
  7. 7Band Intro01:45
  8. 8Ida Lupino09:01
  9. 9Song Intro00:27
  10. 10Drinking Music09:47
  11. 11unidentified12:43
  12. 12Closing Announcements00:38
Liner Notes

Carla Bley - piano, organ; "Blue" Gene Tyranny - piano, keyboards; Michael Mantler - trumpet; Alan Braufman - alto saxophone, clarinet, flute; Gary Windo - soprano and tenor saxophone; George Lewis - trombone; John Clark - french horn, guitar; Bob Stewart - tuba; Patty Price - bass; Phillip Wilson - drums